Thursday, January 24, 2013

God's Working in the Hearts of Many

'I don't know if you remember our Christmas video, but there is some cool unexpected followup from it.  Mathieu shared the video with the men on his rig...and it impacted this one guy Jimmy in a big way.  Below is the video, and the chat conversation Mat and I had tonight.'  
 ~Cathy Lemay

Here is the video in case you didn't see it:

 The Wait of Daddy's Return- for Christmas

Our chat conversation tonight:  

me:  What about Jimmy...?

 Mathieu: well, he was telling my the other night that when he got home, he bragged about me and my family for two weeks

 me:  Oh boy.
Lots to live up to

 Mathieu:  telling people how i solved the boats electrical problems and how beautiful my family is and then he showed everyone our video.
He is single and said we gave him hope for a family like ours of his own someday

 me:  Hey...hope he knows it took JESUS to get this way!  

 Mathieu:  i told him that.  on the outside we looked perfect to him and his friends.  get this
He was off at new years like i was, so he went to a new years party with his friends to a home town bar they all frequent where everyone knows each other and PLAYED THE VIDEO ON ALL THE SCREENS IN THE PLACE! for over a hundred people!  the place was filled with oooos and ahhhhs and ohhhhs.  he said a few of the women there started to cry.
 He said, 'I hope you don't mind, but my friends needed to see that it is worth the effort to build a family"

 me:  WOW!  Hold on...I need to tell everyone

 Mathieu:  proof that our witness speaks loudest when we aren't saying a word

 me:  WOW! That is beautiful! We had to watch it again!  
Where is this guy from?

 Mathieu:  Mississippi

 me:  Cool
That is amazing!  LOL

 Mathieu:  indeed.
i was touched by that testimony

 me: Me too. TGBTG (To God be the glory!)  Hey...we were ministering in a BAR???  How ironic!  HAHA!

 Mathieu:  he said he will be going back to his old rig next hitch and will be telling the guys there too. he said he can't stop talking about it to people he knows
'yeah, bar ministry

 me:  Oh my goodness! 

My sister's response to this email I sent her...

"Oh my goodness!! That is such an amazing story!! How cool!! You guys are missionaries!! Just by being you! Love it!  God has a great sense of humor and truly can do all things thru Christ who strengthen us!"

Love you all,

Friday, December 21, 2012


Mathieu has started a new job with Parker Drilling as an off-shore electrician.  It has been challenging as we all adjust to his new schedule: 2 weeks away off shore and then 2 weeks home.  We are on our first "tour", so his 2 weeks home on this first tour will begin Dec. 26th around midnight.  So, yes, our Christmas is moved to the 27th this year!  That will be new for us!   The Lord is gracious and the children and I have been doing ok, and so has he.  Though we miss Daddy terribly, we have peace that the Lord provided this job!  We look forward to having him all to ourselves for TWO WEEKS, very soon!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger...

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger...well that is what I heard!

We have been going through some terrible trials lately. It has taken all our strength to not give up.  God is so faithful, taking our mustard seed sized faith and carrying us through the valley!  I have had more "count it all joy" days (James 1:2) these past couple of months, I'm just about unable to count anymore!  :) 

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." Psalm 51:17

We have been broken, and it is then that we can best hear the Lord speaking to us.  We are completely and utterly reliant on the it should be.  I rejoice in that! 

We are in a dark season and know that there are some big changes looming before us.  We are on our knees, seeking the Lord for His direction.  Please join us in prayer, as we pray for the Lord to open doors, for protection, and for His favor.


Monday, April 16, 2012

“I just can’t stop smiling!”-Liana age 6

ME: Liana, why are you so happy this morning?
L: Because I just received Jesus into my heart.”
ME: Why did you want to ask Jesus into your life?
L: Because I wanted Jesus to be my savior.
ME: Are you a sinner?
L: Yes.
ME: Do you believe that Jesus is the son of God who came to save us from our sins?
L: Yes.
ME: What did you ask God?
L: I asked Him to forgive me for the sins that I have done and I asked him to be my Savior.
ME: What did you do after you prayed for Salvation?
L: I went and told everybody.
Me: Is there anything else you want to share?
L: It made me feel VERY happy! Expeditiously happy!! (ME: LOL…cute!)
ME: Will you share your salvation?
L: Yes, with who?
ME: Everyone!
L: ***Smile***

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcome Baby James!

Welcome James Anthony Pedersen!
Praise the Lord!

He was born March 21, 2012. He weighs 6lbs 15.5 oz and is 19 and 1/2 inches long.

Our very first grandson! Thank you Lord for this beautiful blessing!

There are more pictures of him here:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Way to go AARON!!

We just received word that Aaron made it on the President's List at school! He attends the Art Institute of Houston. He will be receiving a BA in Art Media and Animation. Way to go Aaron! We are so proud of you!! Great job! <3